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How are you REALLY? A heart-to-heart with Shayna Paquin

What is life like on the border between Israel and Lebanon? Well, for one thing, there are no bomb shelters in the preschools! Yeah. Shayna Paquin, mother of 7 from Safed, is all on that....Watch this

I'm launching a new video feature on my Substack: "How are you REALLY?" real conversations with women who are going through shit....This is the first episode.

A few years ago, then-director of the JDC Alan Gill gave me one of the greatest life lessons. He said that when he wants to have a real conversation with one of his kids, it’s not enough to say, “How are you?” because usually the response is “Fine” or some superficial variation. Instead, he leans in and asks, “How are you REALLY?” and that’s when he gets genuine connection.

This life lesson has been invaluable during intensely stressful times like this war. I try to make a habit of checking in with people who I love who are affected in one way or another. (It’s not perfect, and if I haven’t checked in with you and you’ve wanted me to, I’m sorry and please let me know! It was just Yom Kippur after all…) My point is that I have found that these “checking-in” conversations can be at times life-saving. Especially when events have us spiraling.

So I’m starting a new practice here on my Substack blog, where I do the “How are you REALLY?” check-in with women (for now…) who are on the frontlines of things.

I’m starting with Shayna Reyberg-Paquin. Shayna lives in Tzfat, where over 80 rocket sirens have sounded in the past month. She is a mother of 7, and co-founder of Sparks to Life that is raising money to provide bomb shelters in kindergartens up north (!! Why isn’t the government doing it? Excellent question). You can contribute to her cause here.

ALSO, funfact: Shayna is a beautiful singer. I wrote about her audition on Israel Idol many years ago here.

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The Roar
An unapologetically gendered take on the state of the world. Fierce. Feminist. Fabulous.