Meet Faravaz Farvadini, a woman sentenced to a year in prison for the crime of SINGING
In Iran, women's lives are in danger for acts such as singing, taking off the hijab, or daring to disobey the laws of what it means to be a woman.... Now one woman is fighting back.
Did you know that in Iran, women can be arrested for SINGING?
I chatted today with Faravaz Farvardini, a 31-year-old singer who was sentenced to a year in prison for the crime of singing as a woman..... She ran for her life, leaving her entire family behind, and now lives in Germany, where she sings to her heart's content...sort of.
Iranian producers are afraid of being caught helping women sing, even outside of Iran. Some 500 Iranians outside of Iran have been kidnapped, brought back to Iran, forced to apologize on television, and then executed. And there are so many women in Iran who are still suffering. Silenced, covered, arrested, and at times executed for crimes like singing, taking off the hijab, or daring to want to live with full expression. This is a story that needs to be told.
Today, Faravaz is making a documentary, telling the story of the many women in Iran who are still suffering.
She is also looking for women from around the world who also have stories to share about singing and expression, especially religious women who found their voice. We are lucky to be living in a country where women are allowed to sing freely. Although, the similarities between our religions and the way that extremists try to control women’s movements and lives is…. well, concerning….
If you relate to this story, and have a story of your own to share, be in contact with Farvardini here. She is looking for sisters around the world.
Watch my chat with her below: